
Good Nigerians and Friends Foundation

The Good Nigerians and Friends Foundation is a nonprofit organization whose main objective is to gather Nigerians with a positive mindset and the right attitude from all over the world, together with their friends, under one umbrella. Our goal is to champion a cause that will enable us to see the Nigeria of our dreams.

Our Vision

To take personal responsibility for achieving the Nigeria of our dreams collectively.

Our Mission

1. To identify talented members and support them in unleashing their full potential.

2. To host yearly innovation exhibitions, in addition to our yearly conventions.

3. To encourage members to adopt a self-sufficient lifestyle by eating what they plant, wearing what they sew, driving what they manufacture, and using what they produce.

4. To teach members the importance of claiming ownership of Nigeria and viewing it as a collective responsibility, rather than a national resource to be exploited.

5. To educate members on how to create a more prosperous Nigeria, thereby encouraging Nigerians seeking greener pastures to return home and contribute to the country's growth.

6. To emphasize the benefits of prioritizing humanity over wealth and relationships over material possessions.

7. To educate members on the importance of prioritizing Nigeria's interests above personal gain, cultivating selflessness, and embracing a culture of transparency, accountability, and patience, thereby eschewing greed and undue expediency.

Our logo features an eagle sitting on the back of a lion. The eagle represents a positive mindset, while the lion symbolizes the right attitude.

Our Colours are: GREEN (growth), WHITE (honesty), and GOLD (wealth)

"If you have no confidence in self, you are twice defeated in the race of life. With confidence, you have won even before you have started."
Marcus Garvey

Join Us

We invite Nigerians who share our vision to sign up by filling the form below for a FREE Membership Registration.
Those interested in serving as country coordinators in their respective countries of residence should submit their CVs to the following email address: [email protected]

Registration form (Nigerians)
Registraion (Friends of Nigerians)